3 Easy Steps to Make This School Year the Best One Yet

3 Easy Steps to Make This School Year the Best One Yet

It's that time of year again! Time to go back to school! For some of your kids, this might be an exciting time. They are excited about new teachers and school supplies, and can't wait to see their friends again. 

For other kids, this may seem like the worst time of year. They might be anxious about the amount of work they will have this year, or having a new teacher.  They might be transitioning to a new school and are nervous about getting lost.  

Whatever the case might be, we have 3 easy steps to make this the best year yet! 

1. Have an Organization Binder

This binder should be separate from the ones your student will be using in school. In this, you should include items like schedules, daily routine checklists, budget tracking, important reminders, etc. Depending on the age of your child, different items would be appropriate. Your child should use this as a reference throughout the week to be sure that everything is getting done. 

We also recommend that you, as a parent, keep an organizational binder so you can keep track of your child's assignments, grades, correspondence with teachers or the SPED team, and all documents that could be important. This is especially important if your student is on an IEP/504.

2. Morning Chart

If your child is too young for a checklist in a binder, consider creating a morning chart for them instead. This chart should include picture cues of tasks your child needs to do each morning before school (brush teeth, get dressed, etc.). There should also be a way for your child to note what has been completed as they progress through.

Personally, I like making the chart so there are foldable flaps that the child can fold up to cover the picture and secure it with a magnet. You can also have a laminated sheet and dry-erase marker.  

This chart will allow the child to gain independence as he or she gets into a morning routine and the structure it provides will help you avoid hectic mornings. 

3. Trial Run

Our third tip is to do a trial run. This is especially important for kids who are anxious about going back to school because they are worried they won't be able to find their locker, get lost going to the bathroom, or are worried about switching classes for the first time. 

Before the first day of school, see if you can take your child on a walk-through of the school. Find his or her classroom, the bathrooms, their locker, and anything else that might be important for your child on a consistent basis (nurse, counselor, etc.) If your child has to switch classes throughout the day, walk the route they will take so they have a chance to get used to it.

If their teacher is there and willing to meet with you, allow your child a chance to meet their teacher ahead of time. For students with anxiety, see if the teacher will let them pick their desk.  This can ease some of their fears and prepare the student for the first day of school. 

We hope these 3 tips help you get ready for the school year! 


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