Early readers work with SMARTER Interventionist.

Looking to improve student literacy performance?

Transform Student Outcomes with Comprehensive Curriculum and Professional Development

Delivering SMARTER Intervention is a comprehensive intervention curriculum.


Delivering evidence-based literacy intervention has never been easier.

Experience the power of done-for-you, structured lessons that get results with the Delivering SMARTER Intervention Program.

SMARTER Intervention program demo and sample lessons.


Curious about how our curriculum would work for you? Click here to get a behind-the-scenes look at the curriculum, access sample lessons, and discover how it can empower your teachers and transform student literacy outcomes.

SMARTER Intervention provides professional development to help effectively implement SoR-based literacy instruction.


Equip your team with the knowledge, tools, and strategies for literacy success.

On-demand, virtual, or in-person PD options to provide strategies aligned with evidence-based practices.

We have served hundreds of districts across the US, Canada, and worldwide.

What educators are saying…

The SMARTER Intervention curriculum provides systematic and structured reading instruction.

SMARTER Intervention Curriculum

The SMARTER Intervention curriculum provides a systematic and structured phonics-based approach to support reading development and intervention support for students K-12.

In-Person, virtual, and on-demand professional development.

Professional Development

Sometimes all it takes is a few new strategies to make a massive shift in student engagement and outcomes.

We provide on-demand, virtual, and in-person professional development for reading and writing strategies aligned with the Science of Reading.

Learn the strategies to get results you want in the classroom, intervention, and special education settings.

Download the Delivering SMARTER Intervention demo kit.

See a Program Demo & Download the Information Kit

Where you will find:

❇️ Program Placement Screener

❇️ Sample Lessons for Each Level

❇️ Sample Monitoring Assessment

❇️ Standards Alignment

❇️ Program Model Research

❇️ Program Benefits & Pricing

❇️ Physical Product Catalog

❇️ Ascend W-9