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Parents, Math, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard Parents, Math, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia (dis-cal-Q-lee-uh) is another term that is used synonymously with Specific Mathematics Disorder.

Basically, it can be used to describe a student or adult who struggles with mathematic concepts and their foundational constructs. When we consider dyscalculia, we have to think about all the requirements of mathematics. Mathematics requires an incredibly complex set of skills that require multiple connections in the brain to come together quickly.

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Evaluation and Assessment, Parents, Advocacy Corey Pollard Evaluation and Assessment, Parents, Advocacy Corey Pollard

Discovering a Learning Disability

The best place to begin is to identify indicators of a potential learning problem. Think about it this way; if you have a student who has average to superior intelligence, has intact sensory perception (e.g., ability to see words on the paper and hear words) and has been instructed in reading and writing by a competent teacher for months or years, but is demonstrating a significant discrepancy between their IQ and their academic achievement, it is time for an evaluation.

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