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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

Time Spent Testing My Students is Taking Away From Instruction Time (or is it?)

It can absolutely feel like all the time we spend evaluating could be better spent actually TEACHING our students the skills, right?

But the truth is - it is a critical component of our instruction.

While we are just as eager to jump into concepts with our students and get them the instruction we KNOW they will need, we have to recognize that assessments and data should be providing us incredibly valuable information that sets the trajectory for where we need to go.

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Differentiation, Data Tracking Corey Pollard Differentiation, Data Tracking Corey Pollard

The One Thing You Can't Leave Out in Reading Intervention

We’ve been at this for a while now! We’ve worked with hundreds of struggling students in a variety of different settings and one of the most important things we’ve learned is that students DO NOT struggle with reading for the same reasons!

And this is SO important to recognize, because if we don’t recognize this, then we try to support struggling readers using all the same strategies, and the bottom line is that just doesn’t work. For many reasons, but most importantly because in order to support ALL struggling readers, we need to know WHY they’re struggling to read!

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Data Tracking Mikayla Storey Data Tracking Mikayla Storey

This Should be Fueling Your Literacy Instruction

When we think about our literacy intervention - we can compare it to driving a car. We know that in order to get to our final destination (in this case that is getting students to grade level), we need gas or some sort of fuel. Keep reading to learn about what part of your literacy intervention is the fuel that will allow you to get to your final destination.

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Data Tracking Ascend SMARTER Intervention Data Tracking Ascend SMARTER Intervention

How Data-Tracking Makes Classrooms Equitable

As educators we are capable of changing the world - one of the best ways we can continue doing this is by leveling the playing field for our students, so every child can be as successful as they can be. In order to level the playing field, we must have clarity around our students’ strengths and difficulties and we must make sure that we’re able to understand this in an equitable way. Educational equity is absolutely crucial because it gives equal opportunities to children. Data-tracking can help set us up for educational equity - keep reading to learn more about educational equity and how data-tracking can help us make our classrooms more equitable for all of our students.

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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

The Wrong Ways to Use Data

When we are trying to determine which areas we should focus on with our students we are using our data to provide a guide, a roadmap.

But one of the biggest mistakes we see (we know because we’ve been there) is that we aren’t using data to drive decisions because of two big blocks.

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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

How to Track Literacy Data Digitally

While 2020 was an interesting year to say the least, we were glad to have learned so many lessons. One of which, was how to stay organized in a completely digital space. We transitioned lessons to a completely digital format, student interaction, you name it! And with all the changes, we realized Tracking data digitally was another great way to communicate students’ growth and what was happening in our sessions with our students’ parents and with our colleagues. Today, we wanted to walk you through how we track our literacy data in a digital format!

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Data Tracking Mikayla Storey Data Tracking Mikayla Storey

The Missing Piece in the Data-Tracking Process

One of the biggest mistakes we see in intervention is when interventionists take all of this time to collect wonderful data, but then not effectively sharing it with those who have a vested interest in the results - click here to read more about how you can EASILY share your results and grab a FREE resource that will help you do so!

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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

How to Analyze your Literacy Intervention Data

We are back again with the next step in Data Tracking! This week we are talking all about analyzing your data. Now, we know that the word analyze brings about a heavy weight - but hear us out. Analyzing your data doesn’t have to be hard. One of the biggest mistakes we see is when well-meaning interventionists and SLPs rely on evidence/research based programs without analyzing their own data to make sure that students are actually making growth.

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Data Tracking Mikayla Storey Data Tracking Mikayla Storey

How to Organize Your Session in a Way That Makes Data Tracking EASY

We know that data and data-driven instruction are CRITICAL to effective intervention so a few weeks ago we asked if you all would be interested in a free training around the subject of taking and using data in your lessons. The response was an overwhelming yes. That’s where “Data-Tracking December” was born. All month long, we will be releasing our data-tracking trainings and want to invite you to take this information (and a free resource - stay tuned next week!) and implement it in your sessions so that you can easily get students the results you have always wanted for them.

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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

How To Collect Reading Intervention Data

It’s Data-Tracking December! All month long we will have blogs and video trainings for you related to the 4 biggest mistakes we’ve made in data-tracking. If you are looking for a way to better track your intervention data or you’re hoping to understand how to use that information more effectively to drive your instruction, then stay tuned because these next four weeks will deliver exactly what you are looking for.

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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

Why We Must Track Data Effectively in Literacy Intervention

Today we’re jumping right into one of our favorite things to talk about!

Literacy Intervention Data!!!

We’re fun at parties (well at least back when there used to be parties), trust us…

We know that diagnostic prescriptive instruction following a systematic and structured approach is the most effective way to get students to grade-level and beyond, but how exactly can we provide truly diagnostic and prescriptive instruction?

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Online Intervention, Data Tracking Mikayla Storey Online Intervention, Data Tracking Mikayla Storey

How to Progress Monitor Online

If you have been with us for a while, then you know we get super excited when it comes to data. We love using it to write treatment plans for students, to monitor growth, to assess whether or not the student needs something different, etc. We use data to make every decision in our intervention and we wouldn’t be able to run our practice effectively without it.

So, when we transitioned to seeing students online, the natural question was how in the world we’d be able to assess and progress monitor virtually.

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Differentiation, Data Tracking Corey Pollard Differentiation, Data Tracking Corey Pollard

How to Identify Reading Breakdowns - Intervention Tip of the Week

This week’s reading intervention tip of the week - knowing how to identify reading breakdowns!

In this quick video we talk about the 5 key components you must be evaluating when you are looking for where a student may be breaking down.

If you know us well, you may have guessed them!

And in this video, we talk about how you can do this quickly! You can always use your own materials to make this work at your students’ grade and ability level but this will give you an outline on what it should include!

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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

Measuring Student Progress

One of the most important things we have to consider when we are supporting struggling students is:

How we will measure student progress?

This is absolutely CRITICAL in making sure that the plan we have designed to help them get back on track is actually working. This is proof that we are on track.

As parents of struggling students, we need to be requesting this information.

As educators responsible for delivering on student plans and goals we need to be sure we are tracking this information.

So the question becomes, what on earth are we looking for and how do we appropriately measure student progress?

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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

How to Know Where Students are Struggling

This week we are so excited to share information on identifying student challenges.

One of the most challenging aspects of helping a struggling reader is understanding specifically where and why they are struggling.

Once we can understand the specific areas in which a student is breaking down and/or the cause of the breakdown we can begin providing targeted instruction and intervention.

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Data Tracking Corey Pollard Data Tracking Corey Pollard

Reading Intervention Year End Data Analysis

We know we are strange but absolutely LOVE data tracking and data analysis. Not joking. Part of the reason we love data is because Data Tracking & Data Analysis are the absolute best way to see how much growth our reading intervention students have made and to see where they need continued practice.

Your data is your road map, your GPS, for literacy intervention. One of the best things we can do is to get a good look at how our students are performing overall. This data will be invaluable to parents, other professionals, and next year’s teacher.

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