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Phonological Awareness Mikayla Storey Phonological Awareness Mikayla Storey

Do I Need to Teach Phonological Awareness Skills?

To teach, or not to teach phonological awareness…this is the question (especially because research seems to be ever-changing in this area)!!

Check out this blog for answers to understand its importance, target specific skills, and integrate PA seamlessly into your lessons. Explore why phonological awareness matters for all ages and how to make it feel cohesive.

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Phonological Awareness Mikayla Storey Phonological Awareness Mikayla Storey

Should I Teach Syllable Segmenting?

Can you spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Can your students? 

In all seriousness, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious isn't the most functional word to spell – but as students progress academically, they do need to be able to break down long words for reading and spelling. Keep reading to learn why syllable segmenting is necessary and how to incorporate this instruction into your lessons!

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Phonological Awareness Mikayla Storey Phonological Awareness Mikayla Storey

Should I Teach Rhyming?

You may be wondering if teaching students to rhyme is really necessary. Recently, research has been mixed on whether or not we should be targeting this skill in our instruction.

The argument here is that it isn't necessary to teach because it doesn't directly translate to reading in the same way blending does.

So…should we be teaching rhyming? Keep reading to find out.

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Data Tracking Ascend SMARTER Intervention Data Tracking Ascend SMARTER Intervention

How Data-Tracking Makes Classrooms Equitable

As educators we are capable of changing the world - one of the best ways we can continue doing this is by leveling the playing field for our students, so every child can be as successful as they can be. In order to level the playing field, we must have clarity around our students’ strengths and difficulties and we must make sure that we’re able to understand this in an equitable way. Educational equity is absolutely crucial because it gives equal opportunities to children. Data-tracking can help set us up for educational equity - keep reading to learn more about educational equity and how data-tracking can help us make our classrooms more equitable for all of our students.

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Data Tracking Mikayla Storey Data Tracking Mikayla Storey

The Missing Piece in the Data-Tracking Process

One of the biggest mistakes we see in intervention is when interventionists take all of this time to collect wonderful data, but then not effectively sharing it with those who have a vested interest in the results - click here to read more about how you can EASILY share your results and grab a FREE resource that will help you do so!

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Dyslexia Corey Pollard Dyslexia Corey Pollard

Dyslexia & Co-Occurring Difficulties

We wanted to take this conversation a step further and dig into some common co-occurring struggles we see in our students with dyslexia. Specifically language, attention, mathematics, and social-emotional difficulties.

So let’s dive in!

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Parents, Dyslexia Corey Pollard Parents, Dyslexia Corey Pollard

The Different Kinds of Reading Disabilities

Many students struggle to learn how to read effectively or efficiently.


These three types of disabilities relate to (if you know us…you’re probably guessing it right now!!!)


The Literacy Processing Triangle

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Research, Differentiation Corey Pollard Research, Differentiation Corey Pollard

Why Following an Evidence-Based Literacy Program Isn't Enough

If you know us well by now, you know that we are huge proponents of evidence-based (research-based) literacy intervention. It is absolutely CRITICAL that we be following evidence-based practices especially to get our struggling readers to grade level.

But here’s the issue - and it’s a big issue because nobody is really talking about it.

It’s not enough alone.

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Online Intervention, Data Tracking Mikayla Storey Online Intervention, Data Tracking Mikayla Storey

How to Progress Monitor Online

If you have been with us for a while, then you know we get super excited when it comes to data. We love using it to write treatment plans for students, to monitor growth, to assess whether or not the student needs something different, etc. We use data to make every decision in our intervention and we wouldn’t be able to run our practice effectively without it.

So, when we transitioned to seeing students online, the natural question was how in the world we’d be able to assess and progress monitor virtually.

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Corey Pollard Corey Pollard

The Biggest Mistake We're Making in Literacy Intervention

This is a bold claim - we understand. But here’s the thing we’ve noticed after years of intervention work and years of working with hundreds of literacy interventionists.

The culture of literacy intervention has built up this idea that we have to be perfect to get started. This idea that if we don’t do everything just so …. our students will suffer. It’s led to this idea that there is a “perfect way” to implement effective literacy intervention.

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Lesson Planning Corey Pollard Lesson Planning Corey Pollard

The #1 Reason Students Aren't Generalizing Their Literacy Skills

One of the biggest problems we’ve seen over the years is that many students receive solid, research-based intervention, they learn the skills but then are unable to take those skills they’ve learned in the context of a structured and systematic approach and apply it to what they need to be doing in the classroom. They are unable to apply to their classroom reading assignments, their classroom writing assignments.

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Differentiation Mikayla Storey Differentiation Mikayla Storey

How to Differentiate Within a Framework

While programs can and often will give suggested guidelines on where to start a student, how quickly to move through the program, and how to instruct the material, it is still your space to use clinical/professional judgement and to fill in concepts and review as needed. Trust your intuition - you know your students best!

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